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Friday, 5 March 2010
Just Checking
Mood:  quizzical
Is this blog written in vain?  I haven't post for two main reasons.  First, I was working on an entry.  Second, I began to doubt anyone actually is reading this blog.  Please let me know if you do read this and I should keep this up.  Just add a comment by clicking "Post Comment" under this entry and to the right; or you can email me if you know it.

Posted by Big Mike at 12:22 AM CST
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Monday, 14 September 2009
Engaged Encounter Sept. '09
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Diocesan Assignments

I returned yesterday from the Engaged Encounter weekend a tired, beat pup.  The engaged couples that attended were great.  Palacios was well represented with approximately 1/5 of the couples.  Friday and Saturday went as normal EE weekend days go.  Saturday night; everything changed.  Reconciliation went until 1:30am.  Yes, that is one hour and thirty minutes into the beginning of Sunday.  Then at 2:30am the clouds opened up and a torrential thunder storm came that nearly had me using my bed as a floatation device.  And the thunder made me think the Renewal Center was experienceing mild earthquakes.  Needless to say I didn't sleep much.  I awoke Sunday (if you wanna call that awake) and filled myself with cafeine to make it through the morning that ended with Mass and then lunch.  I remember little of the drive home, except picking up two stranded ladies who ran out of gas 22 miles from Halletsville and 12 miles from Yoakum.  They had planned on walking to Hallettsville for gas.  I took them to Yoakum instead and then returned to their van to put some gas in the tank.  I finally got home too tired to go to sleep.

Two hours later I need more caffeine to deal with the teens at adoration and the meeting.

I sit here typing this still recovering from this past weekend, not sure if this is really happening.  I hope to return to the real world soon!

Posted by Big Mike at 3:18 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Lenten Losers Challenge
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Hallettsville Assignment

Holy Saturday marked the end of the Weight Race Challenge between the pastor and myself.  Though I lost a whopping 22 pounds, that was not enough to win.  This was a tremendous feat though, because you have to remember I did it (and hope to continue losing) in the land of pivo and kolaches.

Now that I lost the weight, I hope St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things, does not help me find it. Laughing

Posted by Big Mike at 12:17 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Rapid Fire Confessional
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Hallettsville Assignment
Whew!  Last night I had an interesting experience in the confessional that can only be described as rapid fire confessions.  I was sitting in the old style confessionals with confessee rooms on either side of the priest-confessor.  Those seeking confessions ignored the sign on one of the doors that directed them not to use this side.  For the first thirty or forty-five minutes I went from side to side one confession after another without a breath in between.  I would finish one confession and simultaneously slide that window shut and the other one open becuase the confessee was ready to go.  Finally, someone saw and took heed of the sign and the rapid fire confessing ceased to my elation.  I could now take a few breaths in between each confession.

Posted by Big Mike at 12:01 AM CST
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Monday, 13 October 2008
Great Quotes
Topic: Church News

"It is necessary and urgent to put Sacred Scripture into the hands of the faithful so that it can become a living thing for them in their professions, in their families and in their various life situations, as well as the source and inspiration for the life and activities of small Christian communities.”

– Archbishop Cornelius Fontem Esua of Bamenda, Cameroon


“The Eucharist is not just the communion we share.  Eucharist is what we do.  And ultimately, it is not just what we do; it’s who we are.  The mystery of the Body of Christ at the table makes us ever more profoundly the Body of Christ in the World.”

– Thomas S. Quinlan

Posted by Big Mike at 4:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2008 4:34 PM CDT
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Golfing Miracle TOO
Mood:  surprised
Topic: My Life

Golfing with Fr. David is not without its interesting and shocking shots.  This one however, was greatly out of the ordinary.  We were playing at the Hallettsville course and were teeing of for Hole 5 (par 3 - this is a different day that the eagle on Hole 4).   My all-too-familiar line drive hit had the ball come up short and head toward the water hazard in front of the green; yet when the ball hit the water, being submerged for a brief moment, it shot up 3 feet vertically and arced 2 feet and landed on the fringe.  Fr. David and I couldn’t believe what we saw…it is still hard for me to believe it.  I mean, I have had my “Jesus-balls,” which walks on water; but this one jumped out of the water like Shamu jumping through a hoop.  INCREDIBLE!

Posted by Big Mike at 3:47 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2008 4:33 PM CDT
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Thursday, 28 August 2008
Golfing Miracle
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: My Life
Don't worry, I am working on my Taiwan experience.  But, right now, I must share some extremely joyous news with you, at least for those of you who enjoy golf.  I got up early this morning to play a quick 9 holes before I went to Houston to visit a friend.  I did not know that I would shoot the best 9, I have ever shot...a 43--mind you I normally shoot in the mid-50's.  But that is not it.  In Hallettsville, on the 4th hole (a par 5), my first two shots laid me up 80 yards from the pin.  My next swing was the usual blading of the ball making it line drive over the water to the green.  As it careened onto the green, I watched it disapear in a hurry.  I went to the back side of the green but couldn't find it, until I reluctantly walked up onto the green and looked into the hole.  There my ball sat, just as beautifully as a kolach in each of my hands.  The reality of what just happened took a second to sink in...I SHOT AN EAGLE!  AN EAGLE!  That is two under par for the hole.  After that, I could do no wrong, as far as I was concerned.

Posted by Big Mike at 10:45 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2008 4:31 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Last Day in Taiwan - "Parting is such sweet sorrow."
Topic: Taiwan or Bust

Well it's my last day here in Taiwan.  I fly out tomorrow moring...that is Friday morning for me, Thursday night for you in the Western Hemisphere.  I am both saddened and happy...what we call bitter-sweet.  I am happy to be returning home to family and friends and the parish; but sad to be ending my Taiwan experience.  I have had a great time here.  Fr. Tommy's family have been most generous in driving us around and feed us monstrous amounts of food.  Life must go on.

Be looking for a detailed account of my experience soon to come.

Posted by Big Mike at 8:43 PM CDT
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Friday, 18 July 2008
Howdy from Taiwan
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: A squaking rubber chicken of the boy sitting next to me.
Topic: Taiwan or Bust

Well I made it to Taiwan where I will spend my days until July 25, experiencing new things and eating various plants and animals prepared in a variety of ways.

I have been here for three days and have had many experiences numerous to type out now.  But a run down is on its way, maybe when I return back to Hallettsville.

The wierdest things so far has to be "stinky tofu."  This is its actual name, and they gave it to me the night I arrived.  It smells alot like the pungent Parmesan cheese, but tastes a whole lot different.  You can either have it fried or boiled.  I was given both types.  Fr. Tommy, who invited me to come with him here, told me all of his relatives were worrying about me.  They didn't know what I would eat...what they could order for me at restaurants or prepare for me.  He put any anxiety at rest when he told them I had already eaten stinky tofu.  Now we just go out and have a good time see Taiwan in all its glory!

 More to come...


Posted by Big Mike at 8:50 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 18 July 2008 8:51 AM CDT
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Thursday, 6 March 2008
Picnic Meal
Topic: Hallettsville Assignment

For those of you who are wondering how things have been for me since ordination.  It has been a while since I have posted an entry.  I have greatly enjoyed my priesthood.  The people of Hallettsville have been good...too good.  The Kolaches and Pig-in-a-Blankets are absolutely delightful.  My plan, that I tell everyone, is not to lose wait but to maintain the weight I have.  If I can do this then I think I have performed a great feat in Hallettsville, not gaining the "New Priest" / "Hallettsville" 40, 50, or more.

Let me tell you about what I have been up to today...

It is now 10:30pm and I have just finished cleaning up from a dinner that I auctioned off at our last parish picnic.  I started cooking today at 3:00 this afternoon, not to mention the cheesecake and gumbo that I cooked yesterday...well I just did mention it.  Despite the long time on my feet, the evening turned out to be a great one.  The group that showed up was minus one and insisted I sit down with them, so I got to enjoy the meal with my guests.  I failed to mention to them that I had been sampling the meal throughout the afternoon.  We had a hoot of a time and ate to our fill and drank as much.  Six hours of cooking was enjoyed for two hours and required two hours of clean-up.  Crazy, but worth it!

Posted by Big Mike at 10:57 PM CST
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